Wednesday 12 March 2008

Lip Sync

Lip-Sync - The precise synchronisation of dialogue to animation.

The basic animation displayed above shows how the words 'No..... no' would be shrieked by a character. Although there would also be movement of other facial areas (chin, forehead, etc) my aim here was to put forward how the mouth movements would appear in this scenario.

As with any lip-syncing created the design issues and styles of the character make every sync look completely different. Take for instance Disney's Snow White to Warner's Elmer Fudd - both characters may be pronouncing the same word/letter but the overall appearance will be different due to realistic proportions from Disney but exaggerated styles from Warners. (In order to portray a specific characteristic - voice and sound can have a huge emphasis on the overall character).

Although all lip sync are different most designers work with clear guides to give an idea of how the word/letter should be sounded/spoke. The technique of lip-syncing simply matches a mouth movement to the dialogue track with the use of timing controls.

Sound gives a character a personality (brings in to life) and to achieve this the lip-sync technique is applied. Animatiors/animations rely on lip sync. In the diagram above it displays how every letter of the alphabet would be synced.

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