Thursday 14 February 2008

The Twist of Red Balloon

Basic Treatment (idea):

The story by Albert Lamorisse (Red Balloon) has influenced our group of 5 to add a slight and sudden twist to the original.

Based on Scottish Culture, gang related issues and common day to day life issues such as alcholism.

The story in mind is set around boy/girl (not yet decided) who is involved in a gang (like most young adolescents in Scotland).

The basic issue is that the main character who is a "ned" has a day to day hobby of alchohol abuse. However, the twist of the story is that the character believes this bottle of bucky (as they would call it) appears on its own - un-announced!

The bottle appears at his bedside table in the morning, in his school bag at day and basically everywhere and anywhere he goes.

This does result in major problems for the character in relation to school and home however in disposing the bottle it tends to reappear full of liquor - he simply cant get his head around it - but never the less he will drink this bottle then dispose of it.

Eventually the character is sectioned in hospital following alcohol related issues such as gang fights. Once totally detoxed he has severe flashbacks of his own self purchasing the alcohol he believed was stalking him.

The point of the story is that the character who develops psychological problems with the help of alcohol is in severe denial of his addiction - a common everyday problem worldwide.

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